Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Whenever I think of Memorial Day and honoring those who have served our country, I can't help but think about both my own father and my father-in-law.  Both men served during World War II in the European theatre;  my dad, Bob, was an anti-aircraft artillery soldier and my father-in-law, Reg, was an Air Force pilot.  Even though neither one of them talked a whole lot about the war, as I have grown older and learned more about those times, I am truly amazed at what those very young men did to preserve our freedom.  Thinking of you both today . . . Thank you for allowing me to live the life that I now live.

The final countdown has now begun in the Carpenter household for our trip to Alaska!  We are down to 11 days until we leave for Fairbanks.  We are starting out our trip by spending 2 days in Fairbanks before we meet up with our tour group.  Still having a hard time deciding exactly how to pack.  Hate taking tons of clothes, like I always seem to do . . . gotta leave room to bring home some goodies, so what is a girl supposed to do?

Tomorrow is my official final day of the school year.  It has been a very long and frustrating year.   Don't know how many more years I can take like this one.  To get the most out of my retirement, I need to work at least 4 more years.  Hope I can make it . . .

Still don't have any idea what I will be teaching next year . . . too many loose ends that need to be tied up in our program.  I really do not like the uncertainty, so hopefully by the time I get back from Alaska I will have a better idea.  All I can say to the powers that be, "Just give me all the math and let it be done.  I'll make it work!"

Hey everyone, have a great Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

6:27 AM and a Random Thought . . .

I honestly have to say that this is probably one of my favorite times of the day.  I am definitely a morning person . . . .  I could just sit for hours 'listening' to the quiet.  After all of the hustle and bustle of a normal day's activities, I find it very relaxing.

A couple of weeks ago I told that to Mark.  He told me that many years ago, he had remarked to my dad that he was surprised that he (my dad) drove around without the radio on in the car.  Dad then told him that he simply enjoyed 'listening' to the quiet.  Kind of freaky how I would say the same thing years later.

Like father, like daughter . . . Miss you Dad . . .

Have a great day everyone!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Long Time, No Write

Can't believe that I go through all the trouble to have this blog redesigned and then I do zip, zero, nada with it!  Typical of me, huh?

Sitting here listening to the Nationwide race and poking around on the computer when I should be doing some ScrapScription work.  Christopher (my SIL) made this fancy dancy Excel worksheet for me to track our ScrapScriber members and it kind of freaks me out using it.  Have this feeling that I am going to majorly screw it up.  So even though I know I should be working with it, I just can't bring myself to 'get er done'.  Maybe as I poke around and procrastinate, I will finish up printing our June 1st release instructions . . . sounds like a plan!

Two weeks from today Mark and I will be in Fairbanks, AK and Mark will be officially retired.  Definitely entering into a new era of our lives . . . Kind of freaky.  No not, kind of freaky, big time FREAKY!  Really, really looking forward to Alaska.  Ran into a friend this morning at breakfast and she is heading there next Saturday.  Also have a couple in the condo complex that left this morning for two weeks and my sister and brother-in-law left for Anchorage this morning too.  In fact we will be seeing Lynne and Fred when we finally get to Fairbanks.  As I type, it is 68 degrees in Fairbanks right now.   Still working on what type of wardrobe to pack . . .

Think I will go read for awhile.  Loving my new Kindle!  Even bought a light for it last week.  Have a great day everyone!